coaching-level3 - Impressionism.Academy - Impressionism.Academy Art Courses. Impressionism.Academy network powerd by nuARTis art academy online classes

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Coaching > levels
Mastery and artistic career
Just imagine how exciting it is to begin your artistic expansion standing on the shoulders of the artistic wisdom of centuries. The Sanctum is created to develop the best in your art in the efficient way possible. Exclusive comprehensive learning and individual guidance at your disposal will bring forward the art and career your talent deserve.
per month
OR ANNUAL PAY / $782 monthly
Plan Features:
  • Initial analysis of your art and progress so far, so we integrate and build on your strength and progress so far.
  • Analysis your learning structure, to set clear overview.
  • Materials Shopping List according to your Curriculum
  • Analytic Curriculum for your personalized experience.
  • Career and legacy planning and advising
  • Art vision development session, to uncover your potentials.
  • Personalized goal setting and Assignments.
  • Weekly art analysis and progress session, to provide working solutions for you.
  • Weekly feedback and suggestions on your Curriculum development for course optimization.
  • Monthly Career Advising, to develop your long-time aspirations.
  • Monthly materials and tools optimisation, to focus your efficacy just on art.
  • Access to Coaching Inner Circle.
  • Weekly Assignment Review and illustrated Critique Images
  • Weekly Video Critique of Progress
  • Annual VIDEO Portfolio Review with MASTER.
  • Weekly Chat Meeting with MASTER
  • Book and material suggestion list
  • Premium Reference Images
  • Permanent Access to your coaching channels and materials
Why Should I Choose The Coaching Program?

Tailored learning
It is such a relief to find guidance that care for your individual aims. We designed our coaching program so you coach and you can take care about the one thing that is precious – the expansion of your unique talent. Instead of hoping for group contend that might cover your specific needs, unleash your full potential through your tailor made learning campaign.

Knowledge is expensive and necessary to achieve your goals. We are happy to provide with this online academy an outstanding solution for fraction of your expenses. Invest the money you are saving with our online academy to upgrade your materials, cultural travel and possibilities. We combined the possibilities of modern technology so you can leverage your time and money.

Your artistic vision will demand all of you energy, so why not make it as easy for you as possible. Our aim is to support you with coaching to make your learning as convenient as possible for you. Step by step you are guided on your journey to success, so you can focus your energy on the one thing that’s matters – your art.
Our private Coaching sessions are designed to help you learn on your own time.

Clear course consulting
Let´s make your journey clear, easy and efficient. From the beginning we are strategically planning your journey, so you can reach your goals inside your timeframe. We are believing that every artist is the best captain for his/her specific journey and making sure to provide everything and support your growing independence. You are becoming you own art master provided with artistic wisdom of centuries. On the shoulders of greatest artist ever lived your will see further than ever before.

Be in touch
You are not alone with your progress, together we are always stronger. Imagine worldwide a same minded tribe of students ready at your finger tip. Modern communication is making your communication convenient, so your coaching dialogue, convention, questions, together with your image and video submissions is available whenever you need them. Easy and ready to use, without any tech knowledge.

Starting your journey
The first step is the hardest – not with us. After signing up we get in touch with you to make your dive into the art world as easy as possible. To make sure that you feel comfortable with your progress, we put a lot of effort to understand your needs and wants. We guide you through a process at which end you will know much more about yourself and your art. Your journey is all about improving your strengths and weakening your deficits in the most efficient way, so you can focus on your unique cultural essence as soon as possible.

Your talent is worth it, let´s take your skills to the next level.
Click the button and start your journey today

In the end, it´s about you and your art. If you love the Coaching Program, that´s great. If not, no problem I have a lot to offer for your artistic potentials BUT there is NO obligation beyond the goals you are setting.

For me as an artist myself, integrity and trust is everything.

There will be NO hidden follow-up or continuity program you have to try or long time obligations or anything even remotely like that.

Please understand any coaching plan requires a minimum of 3 months commitment to achieve any result.  Coaching makes sense if we can fulfill achievements. If you cannot stay committed at least for this time please chose one of the academy products like books or DVD´s. After those 90 days, you can cancel at any time to avoid automatic monthly renewal.

Coaching must work for your progress, not for the time you are spending.
I am a member of the UNESCO and spreading culture is my goal and I am demonstrating the real value of culture with it. My trust is that you'll love it and this will be the start of your good artistic development for years to come. If I have proven to you with reaching your own goals that it works, I am here for you to deliver more

ONLY if you like.
But there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Offer Is Limited...

There is a reason.
As said before this is normally a part of a paid art academy course, that is devoted to deliver high value and therefore normally much more expensive. So you see,  I am losing money on this right now, so...

I can uphold the offer for a certain amount of coaching students, to provide the necessary quality.  
and knowing from the experience, they will be gone soon.

Because my academy has already a fellowship of 237,500+ satisfied on- and offline students and subscribers who are on a waiting list for some of the programs.

It is simply a matter of demand.

BUT never the less if the next page will not show you
You have the chance to get one.

Click the button below and check. is a free independent educational institution dedicated to art with the purpose of promoting culture and education.
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